Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is one of the options when you are selecting car insurance coverage. Many people are confused about what this is, what it covers, whether they need it, and, if so, how much coverage they may need. This blog post will shed some light on these questions. What is Uninsured Motorist…

After you have been in a car crash, you may be shaken up or in shock.  This may be in the case even if the crash seems relatively minor.  Following are 9 steps you can take to protect yourself and your interests after a car crash. Stop your car safely. You should never, ever leave…

© 2018 Thoele Drach Law

Thoele Drach Law

2120 Corporate Square Blvd., Suite 17

Jacksonville, FL 32216

Phone: 904-600-4384

Fax: 904-306-1355


